The ghosts of Palazzo Cusani

The quarrel between two brothers that will never end…unless…

Palazzo Cusani is a seventeenth-century palace in Milan, located in via Brera.

It brings with it several myths and legends and is also a haunted place.

The Palace, now the headquarters of NATO and the Lombardy Army Military Command, is also the home of two ghosts, who have been arguing with each other for several centuries.

Legend says that the brothers Girolamo and Carlo Cusani, owners of the palace, could not stand each other, but were forced to live under the same roof. The hate between them was very strong and they decided to divide the building with a wall so as to never see each other again. 

After their death, however, their souls still had too many unfinished business, and so they remained to haunt the palace without ever being able to meet due to the dividing walls erected when they were alive. Theirs is a pending issue, which will never be resolved…

Some people think that to give eternal rest to these souls, the only solution is to demolish the building, so that no wall can divide them anymore.

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