Fioraio Bianchi
Via Montebello, 7
S. Marco
Opening times
Monday - Saturday
8:00 a.m. - 00:00 a.m.

A small gem located in one of the most arty and eclectic boroughs of Milan, where the customers’ conversations and cheerful chatter are the soundtrack to any time of the day. A place to stop, an urban oasis where comfort is to be found in the slow sip of a cup of coffee, in a lunch date with a friend, an intimate dinner or in the color of a flower bouquet that attracted our eyes and that we just have to take home.
The Fioraio Bianchi is not only about eating; take a look at the flooring, search out the most hidden details, enjoy the delicate flower tinges.
Altre location in Cafes and Bars
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Cafes and Bars Cafes and Bars