
Via Milazzo, 8
Garibaldi nord

Opening times

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. / 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Dieffebi, an Italian company that for over 40 years has been interpreting the transformation of the office environment and collective spaces in the sign of modularity, customization and ergonomics. Its products create a versatile system for ordering and containing, but at the same time also for organising and dividing space, making it more welcoming and liveable, allowing it to evolve and reconfigure over time. Flexibility is complemented by the integration between furniture and technology, a fundamental element of work and daily life, to produce greater efficiency but also a high level of psychophysical well-being. All this with total quality, along every phase of a design and production process that combines the best Made in Italy culture with the most advanced levels of environmental sustainability.

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Interiors    Interiors    
Interiors    Interiors    

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