How the street came into being and its recent urban development
The street was only defined in the post-war period; before that it did not exist as it was occupied by the land of the former Convent of San Simpliciano and there was only a small walkable section called Via Ancona.
The present Via dei Cavalieri del Santo Sepolcro was opened only in 1940 and only began to take on its present appearance in the early 1960s with the intervention of the two architectural studios of Luigi Caccia Dominioni and the BBPR studio, which designed the layout and construction of new residential dwellings.
Specifically, the BBPR studio designed the renovation of some old buildings on Via Solferino and built new ones on the street.
They designed a beautiful building with stepped façades with balconies and setbacks to create a kind of spontaneous architecture, all surrounded by a dense private wooded garden.
On the other hand, Caccia Dominioni designed the Palazzina Pirelli, proposing modern architecture that blended perfectly with its context.
Via dei Cavalieri del Santo Sepolcro is a short street but one in which historical, modern and important heritage buildings reside.
Source and image: Urbanfile